- Bash.org is a collection of funny (often NSFW) quotes from IRC users.
- Kiva.org lets you loan small amounts of money to would-be entrepreneurs in third-world countries. You don't get any interest, but these days that's better than the stock market.
- I wanna be a Sesame Street Martian for Halloween next year. I won't get around to making the costume, though, so I won't.
- Using your TV as a radar. Awesome.
- Just how unlikely your vote is to matter, and why (pdf) you should vote anyway.
- When restaurants are more clever than clean.
- A crazy pastor has a crazy plan to keep Obama from becoming president.
- Fundies Say the Darndest Things is a collection of other crazy religious people being crazy.
- A silly song about believing silly things. Could be offensive, as you may believe in one of the things deemed silly.
- Finally, an odd glitch in most text editors.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Welcome to the internet, where the men are real men, the women are real men, and the little girls are real FBI agents.